MORE than 400 people from around the county will gather at Norton Manor Camp, home of 40 Commando, on November 27, for a ball to honour the Royal Marines.

It is hoped the event will raise at least £40,000 to boost a Royal Marines support service.

Organiser Claire Butler, of Town and Country Events, has enlisted the support of friends including Rosemary Morehouse, who is the mother-in-law of Commanding Officer Lt Col Paul James.

She is also being backed by Sean O’Brien, owner of Buff Urban Day Spa in Taunton, which is sponsoring the event.

Sean said: “Claire is a really special person, and does not derive any personal income from charitable events she organises. She supports herself solely through her work as a specialist nurse for Health Care at Home.

“I first met Claire when she helped me while I underwent an 18-month period of chemotherapy for cancer prior to having a life-saving liver transplant in 2009.”

Sean hopes to raise as much money to develop the support and welfare service for 40 Commando.

“With the continued support of the community, we believe we can raise sufficient funds to set up and maintain a facility at Norton Fitzwarren.

“Our desire is simply to support the existing welfare team based in the South-West where funds will inevitably be squeezed due to the current budget cuts.

The ball is sold out but if you would like to offer your support click on for details on how you can help.

For photos from the ball, see the following edition of the County Gazette as well as Limited Edition, our glossy magazine for Somerset.