ON July 30, Israeli forces, in Qana, murdered 50 civilians, half of them children. Sadly, history repeats itself. In April 1996, the Israelis murdered 109 civilians, who were sheltering in a UN building, in the same ill-fated town.

On July 28, Tony Blair said: "You're up against an ideology that's prepared to use any means at all, including killing any number of wholly innocent people." I take it he was referring to Muslim organisations like Hizbullah. Or was he referring to Israelis?

During the 1982 Israeli revolution of Lebanon 25,000 Lebanese civilians died, including 3,500 Palestinians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilia, massacred by the Lebanese fascist Phalange while Israeli troops turned a blind eye. To date, in this invasion, there have been 700 Lebanese civilian deaths.

Since the 1940s when England was setting up the Palestinian Police to keep illegal Jewish immigrants out of Palestine to the current bloodshed, the Zionists carry on with their own self-serving ends, stamping on everyone who gets in their way.

The so-called axis of evil' is a direct result of the United States and Great Britain's inability to see the tremendous ill effects that their failure to be strictly neutral with respect to Israel's intentions causes.

In 1946, the Palestinian people fled from Israel to Lebanon in fear of their lives. The Israelis have stolen their property and refuse to allow these people back into their homeland. In many areas of Israel, it is as if the Palestinians never existed. Sanctioned by the United States and Great Britain, this is a disgusting travesty of human rights.

Our failure to recognise the plight of the Palestinian people and condemn Israeli's inhumane behaviour is, I would suggest, where the true evil lies.

CALLIE GAUNTLETT Milverton, Somerset