A CONVICTED paedophile is still roaming the streets of Taunton Deane despite a judge warned him he could go to prison for at least a year.

Frederick Davey, 67, of Main Road, East Lyng, was found guilty of performing a sex act on a 12-year-old boy and of sexual activity in the presence of a 10-year-old boy, by Taunton Crown Court on June 28.

However, rather than being sent straight to prison, as Judge Graham Hume Jones had indicated he warned, Davey was allowed leave to go home and break the news to his frail father.

And instead of going back in to custody once his father had been told Davey still has his freedom.

He was due to be sentenced today (Thursday) but the case has been postponed until a later date, believed to be after the summer holiday in September.

The mother of one of the victims said: "It's disgusting, not only did my son have to go through the torture of this last summer holidays, but this man is still free now.

"It's scary. How can anyone feel safe and let children out to play when there's a paedophile in the area.

"This isn't justice. I have had to explain to my son that he's not done anything wrong and that this bad man will be going to prison.

"We just can't believe that his summer holidays have again been ruined by this.

"We feel sick and let down by the whole thing."

The boy's grandfather is also furious.

He said: "This isn't justice it's a mockery. The sentence has been postponed time and again - it's ridiculous.

"My grandson barely goes out anymore and when he does he is just so angry about it all.

"He feels he's being punished and it's just not fair."

A spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service said: "The case has been removed from the list however, I do not know why or when it has been relisted for."