NESTING pigeons are turning the area around Taunton's railway station into a stinking mess.

And members of the Rowbarton Local Action Team say they are fed up of trying to get the situation sorted, having appealed to both Railtrack and Taunton Deane Council to clean the mess up.

The group says pigeons have got in under the wiring put under the bridges to stop birds nesting, and are causing so much mess on the pavements underneath it has become a health hazard.

Molly Denslow, from the Rowbarton Local Action Group, said: "We have spoken to the council and the railway station but no-one seems to want to do anything.

"The birds are messing all over the pavement and it's causing an awful mess and smell.

"When it rains it gets even worse and the pavement turns in to a skating rink.

"We have asked both Taunton Deane and Railtrack to do something about the problem but they can't decide whose responsibility it is.

"We are really annoyed that they can't just sort it out."

But Taunton Deane Council says it is tackling the issue.

A spokesperson for the authority told the County Gazette: "The matter of the pigeons beneath the railway bridge has been brought to the attention of both the DLO and highways cleaning service and also our environment services.

"The portfolio holder responsible is currently taking up the matter direct with Railtrack, who own and operate the bridge on Station Road, to ensure that the existing netting under the bridge is maintained in good repair to prevent access to and roosting by pigeons.

"In the meantime we have increased the number of times we pressure-wash the footpaths to ensure that the mess is kept to a minimum."