TWO Taunton men have been found guilty of brutally murdering teenager Lloyd Fouracre.

Andrew Betty, 19, of Priorswood Road, and Jay Wall, 19, of St David's Close, were convicted just after 2pm today (Thursday) by a jury at Exeter Crown Court.

Ross McCormack, 19 was found not guilty.

Lloyd was viciously set upon in the attack in Gipsy Lane, Taunton, on September 25, last year.

The jury found that Betty had beaten Lloyd over the head with a wooden road sign and then repeatedly kicked and stamped on him as he lay defenceless.

Wall had repeatedly kicked Lloyd as he was lying on the ground following Betty's assault.

Betty and Wall were both sentenced to life imprisonment with Betty to serve at least 13 years and Wall at least 12.

Speaking outside court this afternoon, Lloyd's father Simon said: "We are pleased with the result/sentence and hope it will deter other like minded people. "We have taken great strength from the tremendous support received from family, friends and the local community. "We are especially grateful to all the witnesses that came forwards, some at great personal risk, to ensure the truth was told and justice done for Lloyd. "Lloyd was very special, a strong kind man, full of life and loved by us all. "We are proud to say he is our son (and brother). "No one wins at a murder trial. "Lloyd's promising young life was so brutally cut short. "We will never again see his lovely smile or look into those dark brown eyes. "Our hearts have been broken and we will grieve his loss until the day we die, longing for the life we should have had with our much loved son (and brother), Lloyd." For full exclusive reports and photographs see next Thursday's County Gazette.