WATCHET carnival organisers are confident the event will go ahead next year, but are keeping the venue secret until negotiations with a local landowner have been completed.

Billed as "The Final Fling" this year's carnival, on the town's East Quay, was the best yet, they said.

Rain on Saturday and Sunday failed to dampen reveller's spirits with Sunday afternoon's carnival parade one of the best yet.

Police said although crime was up, they were please the event had passed off peacefully.

Sector Inspector Nic Crocker said officers had made seven arrests during the three-day carnival, all for drunkenness or disorder.

"The number of arrests was slightly up on the past two years, but given the number of people at the event I am delighted people were able to enjoy the carnival," he said.

Some of those arrested received an £80 instant fine, while the others will be appearing in court.

Jackie Bale, a member of the organising committee, told the County Gazette: "We were hoping to announce details of next year's event at the end of the carnival on Sunday night, but we are still dotting i's and crossing t's with a landowner."

Building work on a controversial development of the 1.6 acre harbour side site is due to start in the next few weeks.

Developer Urban Splash unveiled its plans at the end of last year.

Venues suggested in the past have included Harbour Road, and the Memorial Ground, but both have been deemed unsuitable because of difficulties with parking, and containing the event.

Cockney rockers Chas and Dave headlined on Saturday night, with Elvis impersonator Barry Paull (CORRECT) opening Sunday night's entertainment, followed by TV's Stars In Their Eyes winner Paul Reason singing Robbie Williams songs.

A grand fireworks display brought the carnival to an end on Sunday.