DO not let strangers into your house.

That is the message from the police after a string of distraction burglaries in the area.

The first two incidents happened in Taunton and Wellington last Tuesday, August 1, there was another incident in Highbridge the following day and another in Bridgwater last Thursday.

At around 4pm last Wednesday a resident in Bulford, Wellington, answered the door to a man who said he needed to check her taps.

As the man went into the kitchen a second man entered the house.

They left shortly afterwards a joined a third man in the street.

Later the resident discovered £200 was missing.

One suspect was described as a white man, 6ft tall, of slim build and aged in his early 20s.

He has short mousy hair, was wearing a short-sleeved white t-shirt and spoke in a loud voice with a local accent.

A second man was also white, 5ft 7ins tall, of stocky build and in his early 20's with fair hair.

A around 4.40pm the same day there was a second incident in Bishops Hull, Taunton, when an elderly couple in Linnett Close were approached by a man who claimed he was investigating a smell.

The victims challenged the man, who was joined by a second suspect, and they made off empty handed.

A third man was outside in the street.

One of the suspects is described as white, with short brown hair, medium build, clean-shaven, about 5ft 10ins and in his 20s.

He was wearing a check shirt.

The other two men were both white.

The other two incidents in Highbridge and Bridgwater were similar and in one £300 was taken, but nothing in the other.

Anyone with information on these incidents, or who thinks they may have been a victim, should contact police on 0845-4567000.