PARKING is getting a little bit cheaper in Wellington from Friday.

A new shoppers loyalty scheme is being set up where people will be able to reclaim 50p towards the cost of their car parking if they visit one of the participating shops and making a minimum spend.

All they have to do is hand over the tear-off reminder slop from their parking ticket when they pay.

All the participating shops will have a Free Parking Scheme window sticker, which also indicates the minimum spend details.

The scheme is part of the Wellington Food Town project, which aims to promote the town as a centre of excellence for local produce, improving business opportunities for local producers and retailers of all kinds.

It is hoped the scheme will encourage more shoppers to the town.

It is run by the Wellington Chamber of Commerce and supported by Taunton Deane Council's economic development unit.

Cllr Norman Cavill, executive member for economic development, property and tourism, said: "It is very enterprising of the businesses concerned to take on board this refunding scheme to reward their loyal customers.

"I am sure that all parties involved will reap a benefit."