WORKERS at a Wellington firm have been celebrating after finding an extra £300 in their pay packet as the company hit record profits.

Over 200 staff at the Pritex factory received a £300 bonus following a booming year for the foam manufacturer.

And 500 employees from bed maker Relyon also took home an extra £200.

Both firms are run out of the Station Mills site by South Africa bedding giant the Steinhoff Group.

Company bosses announced the good news at a quarterly briefing to share the end of year business report.

Ian Topping, chairman of the UK Relyon group, said: "We are very pleased to share the fruits of our success.

"This has been Pritex's best year yet and last year we recorded a sales growth of 15% and record profitability.

"It is particularly notable that Pritex has become successful in an industry that has been beset by difficulties.

"To carve out a special niche in a value added market is a particularly pleasing achievement."

Pritex manufactures foam and fibre parts for the automotive and industrial sectors and acoustic products for the industrial and aerospace sectors. Customers include Ford, Nissan, Honda and Caterpillar and they export from Wellington across Europe.