SPORTS clubs across our region are booming on the back of London Olympics fever as people of all ages and abilities try out a new sport.

Members at fencing, volleyball, athletics, archery and rowing clubs have noticed a marked increase in the amount of increase in their club.

West Somerset Company of Archers secretary Jim Wiles said: “There has certainly been an upswing in interest to join our beginners course which we hold every October and we are expecting to be full up soon.

“We also had some interest because one of our early members won a silver medal in 1908 and one of our current juniors, Jaibez Macriner, is in the archery academy for a future Olympic Games.”

Ian Payne, of Taunton Rowing Club added: “I have seen a marked increase in inquiries and it is brilliant that there is a mix of people wanting to give rowing a go and I have noticed more girls getting involved.”

Somerset Sports and Activity Partnership help deliver sport in schools and the officer for the Taunton Deane area Dave Bullock said he is anticipating more youngsters getting involved in sport when school starts in September.

Dr Caroline Gamlin, Somerset's Director of Public Health said she hopes the legacy of this year's Games will encourage both young and old people to get more fit and active.

She said: “You don't have to sprint around a race track. It's often the little changes we make to our lifestyle, like eating more healthily and getting more physically active, that can make all the difference.

The president and coach at Taunton Athletics Club, Richard Llewellyn-Eaton said he hopes people of any ability are not afraid to give athletics a go.

He added: “The more people that get involved provides more challengers and competition to current athletes which pushes them harder and generates better athletes.

“My advice is to start at a slow and gradual level first and don't give up after one session - you are not going to become a world champion by next week - the athletes at the Olympics have been training years.”

Jane Browne, from Wellington Swords Fencing Club, said: “These big events always bring a surge of interest because most people do not know that much about fencing and that you can take part locally here and with Taunton Blades.”

Simon Lipscombe, coach at Taunton Volleyball, said: “It is early days yet but hopefully it will inspire people to get involved because we do get a blip especially when our sport is given the excellent TV coverage that it has been in this Olympics.”