PEOPLE of all ages flocked to Porlock Country Fair on Sunday to enjoy the raft of attractions on offer.

Something was on offer for everyone, including a spectacular display of stationary engines, country craft exhibits such as woodcarving and a working display of cast-iron work by Allerford Forge.

Smashing the crockery from Granny’s Attic proved popular among the youngsters, as did skittles, archery and the Punch and Judy show.

The kind weather allowed visitors to sit on the grass and enjoy entertainment the West Somerset Brass Band and the Morris Men provided.

Ian Partington, one of the organisers, said: “Last year’s fair was a record and this year should be as good or better.

“The Porlock Rec is steadily re-equipping the children’s play area, so the fair will help with that and the support of those attending is much appreciated.”