FLOWER show season is in full swing, and last weekend it was the turn of Bishop’s Hull and Kingston St Mary.

Valerie Pryer, secretary of Bishop’s Hull Flower Show, said: “This year the high standard was maintained in spite of the adverse weather conditions resulting in fewer entries in the vegetable and fruit sections.

“As always the show was well supported by villagers and in 109 classes a total of 466 entries were received.

“The show committee would like to thank our friends and local businesses for their support and generosity.”

Kingston St Mary Flower Show secretary Annie Trolley said: “We celebrated our 80th anniversary with a wonderful show and many new residents entering.

“Numbers were up by a quarter with 82 entrants producing 437 entries.

“Even though we have had awful weather for gardeners it was amazing how many beautiful exhibits there were, ranging from magnificent camellia blooms to weird and wonderful cacti.”