A BOOK about the history of a key part of Minehead and its inhabitants has been published after two years of hard work.

Writer and publisher Sue Lloyd has collaborated with maritime history expert John Gilman to produce From Curragh to Ketch: The Story of Minehead’s Quay Town.

Sue said: “The book contains lots of anecdotes – it is a story about the people who lived here rather than simply a history.

“People who live here now will be able to relate to those mentioned as members of some families included are still in the area.

“We forget the courage it took for people living in those days to go out on a sailing ship as far as Iceland and Newfoundland.

“It’s good to remember that we have an easy life these days in comparison.”

The book contains details of vessels used and more than 30 pictures of the harbour from various sources, including John, who has been collecting since 1947.

He said: “It was a very busy harbour, which the town’s prosperity depended on.

“The biggest ships in the world could come into it – and there was a lot of trade with America.


“Then, when the harbour couldn’t cope with larger ships, trade decreased and tourism became the main industry, as it is today.”

The book, priced £10, is available from outlets in Minehead, Dunster and Taunton, as well as on Amazon.