MEMBERS and guests of Taunton St Andrews Cricket Club gathered at the Wyvern Club on Saturday evening for the End of Season Presentation Dinner.

Kevin Parsons, the club chairman welcomed  those gathered and after taking part in a Heads and Tails competition, everyone enjoyed a two course dinner.

Following an enjoyable meal the chairman reflected on what had overall been a difficult season, despite which the First XI had managed to stay in Premier One of WEPL, which is where the club wants to remain. 

He thanked all of the captains for their hard work in sometimes difficult circumstances, and all of those who had contributed behind the scenes. The chairman also thanked the club sponsors, groundsman Dennis Breakwell who had done a great job, along with the umpires. 

He concluded by giving a special thanks to  junior organisers Debbie and Chris Rew whose teams had continued to dominate locally. The junior section was the future of the club and had recently produced several players who were now on the Somerset CCC staff including James Rew, who was on an England Lions tour,  and George and Josh Thomas who are both overseas playing cricket currently. 

The chairman then went onto say that he felt that the club was at something of a cross roads and over the course of the winter there would be a series of meetings with the aim of making the club more successful and build a side that was capable of winning the WEPL Premier One title.

However this wasn’t going to be an easy task and would need all the help and support of everyone involved with the Saints to achieve it.

The chairman concluded his speech by saying that there were big plans for the year ahead but before this the club would be reviewing everything about Taunton St Andrews both on and off the field.

The Taunton St Andrews award winners from 2023 were:

  • First team batter -James Regan. First team Bowler Jack Harding. First team Performance of the season-James Regan 
  • Second team batter- Kevin Parsons, Bowler Nathan Dimond and Performance -Toby Williams - Thomas 
  • Third team batter-Ollie Gunstone, Bowler Ryan Cleverly and Performance- Dan Godfrey 
  • Fourth team batter -Mark Davis , Bowler-Martin Baldock and Performance Steve Pimm 
  • Sunday XI batter -Martin Jenkins, Bowler- William Neale and Performance -Toby Warner 
  • Young player of the year- Thomas Rew
  • Most improved player- James Matravers 
  • Clubman of the year- Rhys Hockey