Alan Debenham of Taunton contributes to this week's Green Focus Column.

DO you genuinely want to save humankind from the present fast-accelerating “sixth” extinction of most life on Earth?

Please look up the previous "five” extinctions if YOU don’t know them. Probably before this century ends UNLESS WE URGENTLY can achieve big major changes in our outdated cultural, social, and political “brainwashed” selfish greed and secret private ‘ruling-class’ dominance: changes needing great new local communal living and sharing. 

Yes, it’s the social and political pandemic known as CAPTALISM for which there’s no known vaccine nor cure, other than a big renaissance of SOCIALISM.

Or maybe, only a vice versa shift from the present 70 to 30% British brainwashed capitalism to socialism, will do the trick: that is, coupled with a big new written constitution for real bottom-to-top democracy, abolition of monarchy and lords, new rich-to-poor wealth ratio of less than 10 to 1, PLUS new well-enforced and fair corporation, capital, capital gains, income, and Tobin taxes (see below).

New Labour’s Starmer-Reeves team with an unexpected 180-seat overall majority, should be wedded to this capitalism to socialism reversal, BUT globalised capitalism’s omnipotence now rules even more so, with its billionaire family dynasties running all big City stock-market investor  ‘casinos’.  They have no wish to join the “blest are the poor” of capitalism-crushed Christianity (ref. Luke 6 and Matthew 19) nor the “from each according to ability, to each according to work” of capitalism-dominated socialism. 

It’s only OUR MASS UPRISING – through the ballot box, street organisation and UK protest – plus attacking capitalism’s heart with a revitalised tiny Tobin Tax demand (1% on all ‘market’ Financial Transactions, netting £160 billion per day for new lavish global public services – see Keval Bharadia’s website, Revolutionary Reparations!)

GREENS, like me, and others must lead public demand for this big anti-capitalist culture change right now before Labour’s lies of no money for essential public services and combating climate change, gain credence.

Come on everybody! Do the Tobin Tax shuffle! 84 fighting for more – but NOT OF THE SAME!