Hello Clinton, I read your article over the weekend about the unfortunate situation around the wonderful Willow Man sculpture's demise.

I was saddened to hear so much money has been spent by Somerset Council so far without any evident result - so it's great that you are highlighting this issue and asking the wider questions as to what can be done. 

I am an Artist, Blacksmith and Sculptor and as such, have a keen interest in such matters as how decisions are made around Public Art.

I have been involved in various public projects over the years (though admittedly never to this scale!) and know that there are often preferred routes taken by councils to hire artists or public arts facilitators. However, what struck me most about your article is the lack of activity for any ideas going forward.

READ MORE: ‘We need someone with a steely determination to save the Willow Man’


I know that budgets for Public Art are currently not a priority but it does make me wonder if there must be other ways of dealing with this by ‘thinking out of the box’? My mind is already full of ideas at the thought of other possibilities to action a solution.

I feel this could be a unique opportunity to involve the community and local businesses to get involved and thereby invest ownership over a landmark that is clearly loved. I myself work mainly with steel, but also copper and other metals.

I can be quite 'steely' if I have to be - though I do recognise that this could be an enormous undertaking. Having said that I could be interested in getting involved in a discussion about this. If it were a possibility, I could perhaps be involved with the making in some capacity also. Either way, if you have any further thoughts and are interested in contacting me, please do so. Thank you again for highlighting this story.

Dorota Kuzniar, via email

Sponsorship the answer? 

I'm surprised that Morrisons don't sponsor renovation of the Willow Man as their warehouses are adjacent. 

Richard Bull, via email