DO you know an older person who could be struggling to choose between heating or eating this winter? If so, read on.

Recent weeks in Parliament have been dominated by the Labour government’s decision to means test pensioners’ Winter Fuel Payments.

Until July this year, all pensioners were receiving the annual £200 payment for over 65s, and £300 for over 80s, as a universal benefit.

From now on, unless we can persuade Ministers to put in place transitional arrangements, only pensioners who are receiving Pension Credit will receive the Winter Fuel Payment.

We all understand that the wealthiest can manage without this payment. My own Mum used to give hers to charity. 

But some of the country’s poorest and most vulnerable older people are being caught up in this and will lose vital funds to help them keep the heating on in the next few months.

The government’s own estimates show that 880,000 pensioners who are poor enough to get Pension Credit aren’t registered.

In areas like Taunton and Wellington, which have higher than average older populations, that could be around 2,000 people here who will lose help they desperately need. 

As a result, I have launched a campaign to reach as many of them as I can with a leaflet I will be dropping off at local churches and other venues.

The aim is to ensure as many as possible get registered for Pension Credit in time for the coldest weather, so they continue to receive their fuel payment. 

To claim, just phone this number 0800 99 1234 and staff at the Department of Work and Pensions will make your application for you - if that doesn’t work ring me on 01823 336666 or contact me at and I will make sure you are able to apply.

It’s really important to note that - even if you’re only awarded 50p of Pension Credit - that will passport you to up to 100% off your Council Tax bill as well as to the Winter Fuel Payment.

Don’t forget to do it before December 21st and claim for the maximum three months backdated. 

As Parliament now returns, I and my LibDem colleagues will be telling Labour to do what they should have done in the first place - ensure the poorest pensioners are registered for help before taking the payment away.

After all, their own Labour Party research in 2018 said people could die from withdrawal of these payments.

It’s also been important to build up the pressure on Labour Ministers to support the Wellington Railway Station project in their current rail spending review.

I was encouraged to be the first MP to obtain a meeting with Rail Minister Lord Peter Hendy on this review.

Wellington Town Council has also been working hard to get his support and it was great to meet town councillors recently to discuss this and other issues.

We shouldn’t forget that it was Somerset West and Taunton Council – after my Lib Dem colleagues won control of it in 2019 – and Wellington Town Council who got the station project started, initially with no government or county council support at the time. 

Finally, my wife Caro and I thoroughly enjoyed the Taunton Together festival – it was wonderful to see thousands in our town centre – and the Wellington Carnival, especially the giant bees from Torres Vedras!