JACK Scadden of Priorswood ABC produced a stunning left hook to clinch a first round victory on debut at Combe Martin in Devon.

Scadden, who goes to Bishop Fox's school in Taunton, was matched with the home club's George Stanbury, a relative veteran contesting his fifth bout, but the 14-year-old comfortably repaid the confidence of his trainers.

As the bell sounded Scadden was greeted by an onslaught of punches and found it hard to get his boxing skills going. But he bided his time before landing a blow flush on Stanbury's chin which sent him sinking to the canvas.

Stanbury gamely tried to get to his feet but was unable to stand up unaided and the referee had no choice but to stop the contest.

Priorswood, run by former professionals Dale Nixon and Courtney Thomas, are just starting their first season and already have 15 active boxers and about 25 members under their guidance.

They train at the former Rowbarton Boys Club, now known as Taunton North Youth Club, opposite Selworthy School.

Training sessions are on Monday and Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm and anyone interested is welcome to go along.