TAYLER Brooke of Watchet Tavern ABC earned a unanimous decision against local boy Andrew Smith on the Torbay show at the Riviera International Centre.

The first round started with Tayler dominating his opponent with aggressive counter attacks and catching Smith cleanly with right hand leads.

He continued to open his opponent with sharp combinations to the body and head to pick up an impressive lead.

He continued in the same vein for the rest of the bout to leave no doubt over the judges’ verdict Also on the card was Bartosz Jankouski, making his senior debut in a cruiser weight contest against another Torbay boxer, Francois Hay.

Bartosz boxed the first round, scoring with long left and right handed combinations forcing Hay backwards.

The second round saw the local boxer Hay up his work rate and throw big looping hooks to claw back the round.

Going into the third all even, Bartosz demonstrated good skill scoring points until he injured his shoulder half way through the round which resulted in him losing a majority decision.

On Saturday many of the club’s boxers travelled to Bristol to support Alex McElhinney who impressed both coaches and judges in his first skills bout.

The bout finished with the coaches and judges in the venue expressing how impressed they were with Alex’s ability.

This week sees Tavern boxers in the gym and using some of the new equipment – funded by a Sports England Lottery grant – in preparation for the show at Haven on November 24.

There are still a few tickets around but are selling fast and the club recommends tickets are bought in advance.

Details of the event and ticket outlets can be found on the club’s website.